Lee was cited for her efforts in mentoring undergraduate students from traditionally underrepresented groups in STEM, and her engagement in GradSWE, Women in STEM, the Coding Club, and Teaching and Sharing Skills to Enrich Lives (TASSEL).
An international student, Lee said she barely spoke any English when she arrived in the United States at age 11, and that it would have been impossible to get to where she is now without the support and guidance she’s received from her adviser, Professor Samuel I. Stupp, various mentors in the Northwestern community, and from others throughout her life.
“Because of this, I am deeply grateful to have the opportunity to pay it forward by providing mentorship to students from underrepresented backgrounds and developing a safe space for everyone to thrive,” Lee said. “This requires a team effort, and I am incredibly blessed to work with brilliant, dedicated leaders in the MSE department and beyond who embrace change and invest time and resources in cultivating an inclusive environment for all students. With this support network, I am even more motivated to continue in this meaningful call.”
Read the full article here.